Pronunciation of ‘Edinburgh’ in English

by Jakub Marian

Tip: See my list of the Most Common Mistakes in English. It will teach you how to avoid mis­takes with com­mas, pre­pos­i­tions, ir­reg­u­lar verbs, and much more.

Edinburgh, the name of the capital of Scotland, has slipped into many other languages in an almost unchanged written form, but its counter-intuitive English pronunciation is usually known only to native speakers. It is pronounced /ˈɛdɪnbərə/ (ed-in-bə-rə) or /ˈɛdɪnbrə/ (ed-in-brə) in the UK and /ˈɛdənbʌrə/ (ed-ən-bʌ-rə) or /ˈɛdənbərə/ (ed-ən-bə-rə) in the US.

By the way, if you haven’t read my guide on how to avoid the most common mistakes in English, make sure to check it out; it deals with similar topics.