Copyright policy

Tip: Are you a non-na­tive Eng­lish speaker? I have just fin­ished cre­at­ing a Web App for peo­ple who enjoy learn­ing by read­ing. Make sure to check it out; there's a lot of free con­tent.

You can use my maps, di­a­grams, and pho­tos on an­other web­site (in an ar­ti­cle or on so­cial media), pro­vided that you link to the source ar­ti­cle on this web­site where the image was orig­i­nally pub­lished. If you share it on Face­book or Twit­ter, I kindly ask you to tag my pro­file @Jakub­Mar­ian. If you share it on In­sta­gram, please tag @​jakub.​marian.

You can use my im­ages in a print pub­li­ca­tion (a news­pa­per, mag­a­zine or book) or a pre­sen­ta­tion (e.g. a Pow­er­Point slide). In these cases an at­tri­bu­tion placed near the image is suf­fi­cient (you do not have to print the URL of the orig­i­nal ar­ti­cle).

You are not al­lowed to mod­ify my im­ages with­out get­ting a prior per­mis­sion from me. In par­tic­u­lar, you are not al­lowed to re­move any copy­right in­for­ma­tion in­cluded in my im­ages.

You are not al­lowed to print my im­ages on pieces of mer­chan­dise, such as post­cards, mugs, posters, etc.

You are not al­lowed to re­post the whole text of my ar­ti­cles on an­other web­site (but, of course, you can quote shorter pas­sages). In other words, you are not al­lowed to sim­ply copy my ar­ti­cles and use them on an­other web­site, even if you prop­erly at­tribute them to me.