Learn how to avoid the most common mistakes in English with my guide

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Some mis­takes in Eng­lish are in­cred­i­bly com­mon: ir­reg­u­lar plu­rals, in­cor­rectly used prepo­si­tions, plac­ing com­mas where they don’t be­long and omit­ting them when they are nec­es­sary… This book will teach you how to avoid the most com­mon gram­mar and vo­cab­u­lary mis­takes in­ter­me­di­ate and ad­vanced Eng­lish learn­ers make.

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Excerpts from what Amazon reviewers wrote:
The book is well written and well structured. Author tried to be as clear as possible in his exposition – every article contains an example of a mistake and its corrected version. Care is taken to track differences between British and American English. All in all, I liked the book very much.
Pavel Irinkov, amazon.com
It is a wonderful guide for a foreigner trying to master the intricacies of a language which in appearance looks so easy, but as it is said: still waters run deep.
Constantin Turculet, amazon.com
Ideal to improve your English, even if you think you knew it all!
Gilbert Van Kerckhove, amazon.com

I write books with passion to help my readersand being an avid learner myself, I strive to find the most effective way to present information. The book is based on detailed research and my experience with students, and I hope it will help you learn as much as it helped me become a better educator.