Number of people learning a second language by country

by Jakub Marian

Tip: Are you a non-native English speaker? I have just finished creating a Web App for people who enjoy learning by reading. Make sure to check it out; there's a lot of free content.

The Eurobarometer 386 survey organized by the European Commission provides an interesting insight into language learning habits of Europeans. Two of the questions its participants were asked were “Have you started to learn a new language in the last 2 years?” and “Have you continued to learn a language in the last 2 years?”

The answers are quite representative of whether people in different countries are, on average, active language learners or not. The following two maps show the percentages of people who answered yes to the questions above.

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And here are the answers to the other question:


By the way, have you already seen my brand new web app for non-native speakers of English? It's based on reading texts and learning by having all meanings, pronunciations, grammar forms etc. easily accessible. It looks like this: