Fix text rendered too large in Chrome on Android (as a developer)

by Jakub Marian

Tip: Are you a non-native English speaker? I have just finished creating a Web App for people who enjoy learning by reading. Make sure to check it out; there's a lot of free content.

I have noticed a problem with text on this website being rendered much larger than it should in Chrome running on Android. For some obscure reason, Chrome decides to zoom in all text in boxes of a certain width which don’t have a specified maximal height. For example, my article about usage of dashes in English looked like this:


Fortunately, there is a simple fix for the problem. As I have stated, the zoom is applied only to elements with no specified maximal height, so it suffices to add


to the element containing the text. After I have done that, the text started to render in a normal way:


By the way, have you already seen my brand new web app for non-native speakers of English? It's based on reading texts and learning by having all meanings, pronunciations, grammar forms etc. easily accessible. It looks like this: