If you want find out more about me than I wrote on this website, you can read the following interviews I gave to various media (if you would like to do your own interview, please, contact me):
2019 (French) Ça m’interesse (in print), about the origin of names(Ukrainian) Tyzhden, about me and my work
2018 (Czech) Respekt, about my maps and my work in general.
2017 (Czech) Matfyz, about music and the M-Stick, an instrument I invented.
2016 (Spanish) El País (En. version), on the “most common surnames” map.
(German) Sprachheld, on my language maps.
(German) Tiroler Tageszeitung, on my map of the most common surnames.
(Czech) Matfyz, about me and my work in general.
(Czech) Hospodářské noviny, on the most common surnames and my work.
(Czech) Statistika&My, on statistics and my work.
(English) The Independent, on my map of the most common surnames.
(Bosnian) Start BiH (December, only in print), on my maps in general.