Author: Jakub Marian

How Facebook calculates the number of Likes of a website
Originally, I thought that the Facebook like button displays the number of people who had clicked on it. However, I have experienced some (...)
January 3, 2013 – Jakub MarianBlog
How to recognize gender in German using suffixes
In German, almost every noun belongs to one of the following three gender groups: Masculine (der), feminine (die), or neuter (das). To be (...)
December 30, 2012 – Jakub MarianGerman
© Alex White -
How to quickly form any interval from any note
Using the traditional approach, if you want to be able to quickly name any interval from any note, you basically have to memorize them (...)
November 19, 2012 – Jakub MarianMusic
Finding a student flat in Berlin
I have been posting only scarcely lately. The reason is that I was trying to find some form of permanent accommodation in Berlin where I (...)
October 6, 2012 – Jakub MarianBlog
English words most commonly mispronounced by foreigners
The list below contains some of the most commonly mispronounced words (mostly by foreigners) in English. Pronunciation is given in the (...)
September 21, 2012 – Jakub MarianEnglish

By the way, have you already seen my brand new web app for non-native speakers of English? It's based on reading texts and learning by having all meanings, pronunciations, grammar forms etc. easily accessible. It looks like this:

© daboost -
French e, è, é, ê, ë – what’s the difference?
A complete explanation of how e, è, é, ê, and ë are used in French, with rules, examples and pronunciation. (...)
September 11, 2012 – Jakub MarianFrench
Base 60: Digits and terminology
Ideally, every number (in its abstractness) should have its own symbol. However, since there are infinitely many natural numbers and our (...)
July 18, 2012 – Jakub MarianMathematics, Typography
Xor 3D: Generating random pseudo-3D images using Xor
When I was around thirteen, I created a program called Random Image that could be used to create pictures partly generated by random (...)
July 17, 2012 – Jakub MarianVisual arts
© Gstudio Group -
How to learn a foreign language: Introduction
It has been only a few years that I became interested in learning foreign languages. In high school, I had classes in English (which I (...)
July 17, 2012 – Jakub MarianLanguage learning
Major third guitar tuning
When I wanted to start to play jazz on the guitar (after many years of playing only classical music), I was disgusted by how many things I (...)
July 17, 2012 – Jakub MarianMusic