median wealth per adult
Wealth per adult by country in Europe
Credit Suisse recently published its annual wealth report comparing the wealth (net worth) of adults (as private individuals, i.e. not the (...)
December 5, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps
Average class size in primary educaiton
Average class size by country in Europe
The OECD provides data on the average class size of European countries in primary and lower secondary education. The OECD defines the (...)
December 1, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps
pupil-teacher ratio
Pupil–teacher ratio in primary education by country in Europe
When it come to class size, the relationship is quite obvious: The fewer students a teacher has, the more time she or he can devote to (...)
November 29, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps
Age of consent by country in Europe
Age of consent by country in Europe
The age of consent, while it has no concrete legal definition, is widely understood to mean the lowest age at which a person is legally (...)
November 28, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps
Percentage of forest area by region in Europe
The LUCAS survey by Eurostat provided a lot of insight into land cover in the EU (but unfortunately not in non-EU countries). As someone (...)
November 20, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps

By the way, have you already seen my brand new web app for non-native speakers of English? It's based on reading texts and learning by having all meanings, pronunciations, grammar forms etc. easily accessible. It looks like this:

Population density in South and Central America
Almost half a billion people live in South and Central America, and more than 600 million people live in Latin America (which includes (...)
November 19, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps
Kill two birds with one stone in European languages
‘Kill two birds with one stone’ in European languages
Did you know that the animal proverbially killed in the expression “kill two birds with one stone” differs from country to country? The (...)
November 12, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps
‘November’ in European languages
The Roman calendar started in March, not January, making November the ninth month of the yearhence the name, from Latin novem, “nine”. (...)
November 2, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps
Prostitution laws in Europe
The oldest profession in the world is subject to completely different laws in different parts of the world, and the situation in Europe in (...)
October 22, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps
‘October’ in European languages
In the Roman calendar, the year began with March, not January, so October was the eighth month of the yearhence the Latin name october, (...)
October 2, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps