
Average hours worked per worker per week in Europe
The following map shows the number of hours workers in each country work per week, on average, including both full-time and part-time (...)
September 27, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps
Corruption Perception Index in Europe 2016
Corruption Perceptions Index of European countries
A map shows the Corruption Perception Index of European countries published by Transparency International. (...)
September 19, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps
Number of patent applications per capita by region in Europe
The number of patent applications is a good indicator of how innovative businesses in different regions are. Without further ado, let’s (...)
September 7, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps
‘September’ in European languages
The English word “September” comes from Latin september, which means “the seventh month”. This seems strangewe all know that September (...)
September 4, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps
August in European languages
‘August’ in European languages
The English name “August” comes from Latin augustus, named in honour of Augustus, the first Roman emperor and great-nephew and adoptive (...)
August 1, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps

By the way, have you already seen my brand new web app for non-native speakers of English? It's based on reading texts and learning by having all meanings, pronunciations, grammar forms etc. easily accessible. It looks like this:

European languages by number of native speakers
There are almost a hundred different languages spoken natively in Europe, but only about 40 of them have 1 million speakers or more. The (...)
July 16, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps
‘July’ in European languages
July, the seventh month of the year, was named iūlius by the Roman Senate in honour of the Julius Caesar, and the Latin name spread to (...)
July 5, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps
June in European Languages
‘June’ in European languages
The English name “June” comes from Latin iunius, the month of the Roman goddess Iuno (usually spelled “Juno” in English), who was the (...)
June 7, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps
Gold reserves of national central banks per capita in Europe
Most national central banks in Europe hold a large amount of reserves in the form of foreign banknotes and deposits, treasury bills, gold, (...)
May 28, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps
Names of European languages in those languages
The proper term used in linguistics for the name of a language in that very same language is “autonym” (or “endonym”), so the (...)
May 11, 2017 – Jakub MarianMaps